Saturday, March 20, 2010

11) Preparing the Second Adoption Dossier (After Matching)

It is inherent in the process that you will only be able to produce several documents required for the CARA NOC (and for later filing in the civil court), after you have accepted the child matched to you. This is for the simple reason that many of the documents need to contain the name of the child. Hence we had an initial dossier and then a second one.

Both dossiers were notarized by a public notary in Singapore and subsequently attested by the High Commission of India, Singapore. I presume our RIPA sent both dossiers across to CARA for the NOC and also later filed copies of both with the Mumbai civil court alongwith the adoption petition.

The following documents made up our second dossier:

1. Child Study Report including Physical Examination Report and Expenditure Statement for the child, with an acceptance statement on the last page signed by the both of us. (The report is sent to your EFAA by your RIPA after you have verbally accepted the child. You sign it, indicating formal acceptance of the child and return it alongwith your second dossier.)
2. Certificate of Undertaking issued by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, Singapore. (Kindly re-issued by MCYS, this time with the child's name. We had earlier gotten a generic letter)
3. In-Principle Approval to bring in a foreign child for purposes of adoption issued by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, Singapore.
4. Updated medical report on both parents. (Our RIPA insisted we get fresh medical reports following their prescribed format. We had earlier submitted medical reports based on a format provided by Touch, our EFAA)
5. Undertaking from Adoptive Parents signed by the both of us.
6. Self-Affidavit on Child-Care Arrangements for our Adopted Child signed by the both of us.
7. Declaration of Consent and Willingness of the Adoptive Father.
8. Declaration and Consent and Willingness of the Adoptive Mother.
9. Consent of Wife Letter signed by my wife.
10. Power of Attorney granted by the both of us to a representative of our RIPA.
11. Suitability Report issued by our EFAA.
12. Our latest bank statements (We had inadvertently omitted to submit these earlier).
13. Eventuality Letter signed by a younger relative and spouse.
14. No Objection Certificate from High Commission of India, Singapore.
15. Copy of CARA's renewed license for Touch Community Services to operate as an EFAA.

Redacted versions of many of the above documents are available for viewing in the section titled 'Documentation Samples'.

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